Kindergarten Readiness for Cuyahoga County (2018-2019)

In Cuyahoga County 42% of kids are not prepared or "on-track" for Kindergarten. This means they are already behind from the moment they walk into a school.

School readiness has effects beyond the first few months of kindergarten; children with higher levels of school readiness at age five are generally more successful in grade school, are less likely to drop out of high school, and earn more as adults, even after adjusting for differences in family background (Duncan et al., 2007, Duncan et al., 2010). In Cuyahoga County about 1 in 4 Black children are ready for kindergarten whereas 1 in 2 white children demonstrate readiness for kindergarten.

Cuyahoga county overall percent

Cleveland Municipal School District

Inner ring suburbs school districts

Outer ring suburbes school districts


This data series shows kindergarten students “not-on-track” for language and literacy. Data Source: Ohio Department of Education, compiled by The Center for Community Solutions.
